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This file contains a YAML-formatted specification of the Minimum Information about any (x) Sequence (MIxS) standard, generated using LinkML ( This file is released by the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC; for use by anyone handling data or information about biological sequences. This file is also used as an authoritative 'source of truth' to generate downstream GSC artifacts, available here:



Checklist Description
MigsBa Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea
MigsEu Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote
MigsOrg Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: organelle
MigsPl Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: plasmid
MigsVi Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: virus
Mimag Minimum Information About a Metagenome-Assembled Genome
MimarksC Minimal Information about a Marker Sequence: specimen
MimarksS Minimal Information about a Marker Sequence: survey
Mims Metagenome or Environmental
Misag Minimum Information About a Single Amplified Genome
Miuvig Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome


Extension Description
Agriculture A collection of terms appropriate when sequencing samples obtained in an agricultural environment. Suitable to capture metadata appropriate to enhance crop productivity and agroecosystem health with the aim to facilitate research of agricultural microbiomes and their relationships to plant productivity and sustainable crop production from diverse crop management contexts.
Air A collection of terms appropriate when collecting and sequencing samples obtained from a gaseous environment.
BuiltEnvironment A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained in the built-up environment, which includes terms for surface material, humidity, temperature, moisture and occupancy type along with specific metadata terms describing the indoor air, building and sample properties.
FoodAnimalAndAnimalFeed A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequencing of samples obtained from farm animals and their feed.
FoodFarmEnvironment A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequencing of samples obtained from the farm environment, including soil, manure, and food harvesting equipment.
FoodFoodProductionFacility A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequencing of samples obtained from food production facilities.
FoodHumanFoods A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequencing of samples obtained from human food products.
HostAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from a non-human host, to examine the host-associated microbiome or genome.
HumanAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from a person to examine their human-associated microbiome or genome, that does not have a specific extension (e.g., skin, gut, vaginal).
HumanGut A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from a person to examine their gut-associated microbiome.
HumanOral A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from a person to examine their oral-associated microbiome.
HumanSkin A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from a person to examine their skin-associated microbiome.
HumanVaginal A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from a person to examine their vaginal-associated microbiome.
HydrocarbonResourcesCores A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from environments pertaining to hydrocarbon resources, specifically core samples.
HydrocarbonResourcesFluidsSwabs A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from environments pertaining to hydrocarbon resources, specifically run-off liquids samples and swabs.
MicrobialMatBiofilm A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from biofilm environments including microbial mats.
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment A collection of generic terms appropriate when collecting and sequencing samples obtained from environments, where there is no specific extension already available.
PlantAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from a plant to examine it’s plant-associated microbiome.
Sediment A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from the sedimentary area of aquatic environments.
Soil A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from the uppermost layer of Earth's crust, contributed by the Terragenome Consortium.
SymbiontAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from an organism that lives in close association with any other organism(s).
WastewaterSludge A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samples obtained from any solid, semisolid or liquid waste.
Water A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing water samples obtained from any aquatic environment.


Subset Description