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Wed March 23rd

Arrival, Board Meeting and Welcome Reception

GSC Board meeting
Board Reception & Dinner with PLATINUM sponsors (Gump House & restaurant)
Thurs March 24th - CRIOBE

Genomics, Biodiversity, and Environmental Change (Location:CRIOBE)

Welcome and Logistics
Lynn Schriml (GSC President, University of Maryland School of Medicine)
Neil Davies (Executive Director of the Gump South Pacific Research Station

All keynotes are 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q&A. All other presentations are 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for Q&A. NOTE: The * next to the presenter name denpotes the presentation will be virtual rather than in person.

Keynote: Tara Pacific, revisiting the microbial diversity of coral reefs in the Pacific
* Serge Planes (Directeur de Recherche-CNRS, CRIOBE)

Abstract TBC

Session chair:TBC

PLATINUM Sponsor - Ryan Walters (Genapsys) The Genapsys NGS platform: Purpose-built for your research.

Topic 1: Issues in Biodiversity and Climate Change
Session chair:Ramona Walls

NextGen Biodiversity Monitoring of invasive Alien Arthropods across the Pacific

George Roderick (UC Berkeley)

Pacific Islands Marine BioInvasions Alert Network (PacMAN) project and the DwC DNA-derived metadata extension

* Pieter Provoost and Saara Suominen (OBIS)

Ethical, Legal and Social aspects of biodiversity genomics: CARE principles

* Jane Anderson (NYU) / Maui Hudson (Waikato)

Environmental samples: Opportunities and Challenges for observing biodiversity change at the molecular scale

Chris Meyer (Smithsonian)


Coffee break


PLATINUM Sponsor Presentation - Ashley Van Zeeland (Illumina) The role of NGS in pathogen surveillance, during and post COVID

Topic 2: Aligning standards: Biodiversity and Environment
Session chair:Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh

Modernizing the MIxS standards technology stack for flexibility and sustainability

Ramona Walls (Critical Path Institute)

GBWG DwC-MIxS alignment & MoU - briefing and endorsement

Pier Luigi Buttigieg (Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration // GEOMAR)

Ocean Biomolecular Observation Network (OBON), “iSamples” and “Sampling Nature”

Neil Davies (Berkeley)

UNESCO-IOC: Ocean Best Practices System & Ocean Data and Information System / MIOP - Minimum information about an omics protocol

Kathleen Pitz (MBARI)

SeqCode Initiative: a solution for naming these uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria

* Phil Hugenholtz (University of Queensland)


PLATINUM Sponsor Presentation - * Raul Cano (The BioCollective on behalf of Zymo research) Characterization and Data Sharing of a True Diversity Microbiome Reference


PLATINUM Sponsor Presentation - Andy Page (Innovaprep) Low Biomass Environmental Sample Collection and Concentration Tools for Metagenomics



Afternoon Breakout Sessions - NO VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE
Session chair:TBC

GSC22 Reception/Dinner - Fare Natura - Eco Museum at CRIOBE

Fri March 25th - Gump Station

Genomic Standards in Human Health and Disease (Location:Gump Station)

Welcome and Logistics
Neil Davies, Lynn Schriml

All keynotes are 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q&A. All other presentations are 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for Q&A. NOTE: The * next to the presenter name denpotes the presentation will be virtual rather than in person.

Session chair:Scott Tighe
Genomic approaches to monitoring mosquito-borne infectious diseases and combating disease vectors in the Pacific Islands
Françoise Mathieu-Daude (IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development) and Hervé Bossin (Institut Louis Malardé)


Session chair:TBC
Human health surveillance informed by the unique microbiomes of cities
Christopher Mason (Weill Cornell Medicine)


Session chair:Scott Tighe
GA4GH: The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
* Susan Fairley (GA4GH)

Session chair:Scott Tighe

GOLD Sponsor Presentation - Kit Krishnan (New England BioLabs) A simple, customizable approach to selectively remove abundant unwanted RNAs and improve the sensitivity of transcript detection in any species.


Coffee break

Aligning Standards: Microbiome, Health, and Environment
Session chair:Nikos Kyrpides

U.S. National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC)

Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh (Joint Genome Institute, Department of Energy)

Minimum requirements of producing high performance whole cell microbial reference standards for DNA and RNA applications.

Scott Tighe (University of Vermont)

The Omic Biodiversity Observation Network (Omic BON)

Raïssa Meyer (Alfred Wegener Institute)

Indigenous genomics and health

Keolu Fox (UCSD)

Standards for Microbiome Measurements

Scott Jackson (NIST)

Standardization of molecular methods in characterizing Microbiome associated with future NASA missions

Kasthuri Venkateswaran (NASA)


GOLD Sponsor Presentation - * Jeremy E. Wilkinson (PacBio) - Setting the Standard with PacBio HiFi sequencing.

Handoff to GSC-23, Thailand in 2023
Lynn Schriml (GSC president)



Discussion session - NO VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE
Session chair:TBC
Closing gathering / Banquet (Tahitian Feast - Atitia Community Center)

If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at:

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