The 22nd Genomics Standards Consortium Workshop
Gump Research Station & CRIOBE on the Island of Moorea, French Polynesia
Click here to download a PDF of the schedule
GSC Board meeting |
Board Reception & Dinner with PLATINUM sponsors (Gump House & restaurant) |
Welcome and LogisticsLynn Schriml (GSC President, University of Maryland School of Medicine)
Keynote: Tara Pacific, revisiting the microbial diversity of coral reefs in the Pacific* Serge Planes (Directeur de Recherche-CNRS, CRIOBE)Abstract TBC Session chair:TBC |
PLATINUM Sponsor - Ryan Walters (Genapsys) The Genapsys NGS platform: Purpose-built for your research. |
Topic 1: Issues in Biodiversity and Climate ChangeSession chair:Ramona Walls |
NextGen Biodiversity Monitoring of invasive Alien Arthropods across the Pacific George Roderick (UC Berkeley) |
Pacific Islands Marine BioInvasions Alert Network (PacMAN) project and the DwC DNA-derived metadata extension * Pieter Provoost and Saara Suominen (OBIS) |
Ethical, Legal and Social aspects of biodiversity genomics: CARE principles * Jane Anderson (NYU) / Maui Hudson (Waikato) |
Environmental samples: Opportunities and Challenges for observing biodiversity change at the molecular scale Chris Meyer (Smithsonian) |
Coffee break |
PLATINUM Sponsor Presentation - Ashley Van Zeeland (Illumina) The role of NGS in pathogen surveillance, during and post COVID |
Topic 2: Aligning standards: Biodiversity and EnvironmentSession chair:Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh |
Modernizing the MIxS standards technology stack for flexibility and sustainability Ramona Walls (Critical Path Institute) |
GBWG DwC-MIxS alignment & MoU - briefing and endorsement Pier Luigi Buttigieg (Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration // GEOMAR) |
Ocean Biomolecular Observation Network (OBON), “iSamples” and “Sampling Nature” Neil Davies (Berkeley) |
UNESCO-IOC: Ocean Best Practices System & Ocean Data and Information System / MIOP - Minimum information about an omics protocol Kathleen Pitz (MBARI) |
SeqCode Initiative: a solution for naming these uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria * Phil Hugenholtz (University of Queensland) |
PLATINUM Sponsor Presentation - * Raul Cano (The BioCollective on behalf of Zymo research) Characterization and Data Sharing of a True Diversity Microbiome Reference |
PLATINUM Sponsor Presentation - Andy Page (Innovaprep) Low Biomass Environmental Sample Collection and Concentration Tools for Metagenomics |
Lunch |
Afternoon Breakout Sessions - NO VIRTUAL ATTENDANCESession chair:TBC |
GSC22 Reception/Dinner - Fare Natura - Eco Museum at CRIOBE |
Welcome and LogisticsNeil Davies, Lynn SchrimlAll keynotes are 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q&A. All other presentations are 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for Q&A. NOTE: The * next to the presenter name denpotes the presentation will be virtual rather than in person. Session chair:Scott Tighe |
Genomic approaches to monitoring mosquito-borne infectious diseases and combating disease vectors in the Pacific IslandsFrançoise Mathieu-Daude (IRD - French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development) and Hervé Bossin (Institut Louis Malardé)TBC Session chair:TBC |
Human health surveillance informed by the unique microbiomes of citiesChristopher Mason (Weill Cornell Medicine)TBC Session chair:Scott Tighe |
GA4GH: The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health* Susan Fairley (GA4GH)Session chair:Scott Tighe |
GOLD Sponsor Presentation - Kit Krishnan (New England BioLabs) A simple, customizable approach to selectively remove abundant unwanted RNAs and improve the sensitivity of transcript detection in any species. |
Coffee break |
Aligning Standards: Microbiome, Health, and EnvironmentSession chair:Nikos Kyrpides |
U.S. National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh (Joint Genome Institute, Department of Energy) |
Minimum requirements of producing high performance whole cell microbial reference standards for DNA and RNA applications. Scott Tighe (University of Vermont) |
The Omic Biodiversity Observation Network (Omic BON) Raïssa Meyer (Alfred Wegener Institute) |
Indigenous genomics and health Keolu Fox (UCSD) |
Standards for Microbiome Measurements Scott Jackson (NIST) |
Standardization of molecular methods in characterizing Microbiome associated with future NASA missions Kasthuri Venkateswaran (NASA) |
GOLD Sponsor Presentation - * Jeremy E. Wilkinson (PacBio) - Setting the Standard with PacBio HiFi sequencing. |
Handoff to GSC-23, Thailand in 2023Lynn Schriml (GSC president) |
Lunch |
Discussion session - NO VIRTUAL ATTENDANCESession chair:TBC |
Closing gathering / Banquet (Tahitian Feast - Atitia Community Center) |
If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at: