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Subset: NucleicAcidSequenceSource

URI: NucleicAcidSequenceSource

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

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Slots in subset

Slot Description
biotic_relationship Description of relationship(s) between the subject organism and other organis...
encoded_traits Should include key traits like antibiotic resistance or xenobiotic degradatio...
estimated_size The estimated size of the genome prior to sequencing
extrachrom_elements Do plasmids exist of significant phenotypic consequence (e
host_disease_stat List of diseases with which the host has been diagnosed; can include multiple...
host_spec_range The range and diversity of host species that an organism is capable of infect...
isol_growth_condt Publication reference in the form of pubmed ID (pmid), digital object identif...
num_replicons Reports the number of replicons in a nuclear genome of eukaryotes, in the gen...
pathogenicity To what is the entity pathogenic
ploidy The ploidy level of the genome (e
propagation The type of reproduction from the parent stock
ref_biomaterial Primary publication if isolated before genome publication; otherwise, primary...
rel_to_oxygen Is this organism an aerobe, anaerobe? Please note that aerobic and anaerobic ...
samp_collect_device The device used to collect an environmental sample
samp_collect_method The method employed for collecting the sample
samp_mat_process A brief description of any processing applied to the sample during or after r...
samp_size The total amount or size (volume (ml), mass (g) or area (m2) ) of sample coll...
samp_vol_we_dna_ext Volume (ml) or mass (g) of total collected sample processed for DNA extractio...
size_frac Filtering pore size used in sample preparation
source_mat_id A unique identifier assigned to a material sample (as defined by http://rs
source_uvig Type of dataset from which the UViG was obtained
specific_host Report the host's taxonomic name and/or NCBI taxonomy ID
subspecf_gen_lin Information about the genetic distinctness of the sequenced organism below th...
trophic_level Trophic levels are the feeding position in a food chain
virus_enrich_appr List of approaches used to enrich the sample for viruses, if any