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Enum: NegContTypeEnum

Enum: NegContTypeEnum

URI: NegContTypeEnum

Permissible Values

Value Description
DNA-free PCR mix
distilled water
empty collection device
empty collection tube
phosphate buffer
sterile swab
sterile syringe


Name Description
neg_cont_type The substance or equipment used as a negative control in an investigation

LinkML Source

name: NegContTypeEnum
  DNA-free PCR mix:
    text: DNA-free PCR mix
  distilled water:
    text: distilled water
  empty collection device:
    text: empty collection device
  empty collection tube:
    text: empty collection tube
  phosphate buffer:
    text: phosphate buffer
  sterile swab:
    text: sterile swab
  sterile syringe:
    text: sterile syringe