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Term: food shipping transportation vehicle (food_trav_vehic)

A descriptor for the mobile machine which is used to transport food commodities along the food distribution system. This field accepts terms listed under vehicle ( If the proper descrptor is not listed please use text to describe the mode of travel. Multiple terms can be separated by one or more pipes

URI: MIXS:0001138

Applicable Checklists and Extensions

NOTE: does not include Combinations (of checklists and extensions) that use food_trav_vehic.

Name Description Checklist/Extension
FoodHumanFoods A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension
FoodAnimalAndAnimalFeed A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension
Agriculture A collection of terms appropriate when sequencing samples obtained in an agri... Extension
FoodFoodProductionFacility A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension
FoodFarmEnvironment A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension


  • Range: String
  • Cardinality: *


aircraft [ENVO:01001488]


  • Expected_value: ENVO:01000604

LinkML Source

name: food_trav_vehic
    tag: Expected_value
    value: ENVO:01000604
description: A descriptor for the mobile machine which is used to transport food commodities
  along the food distribution system.  This field accepts terms listed under vehicle
  ( If the proper descrptor is not listed
  please use text to describe the mode of travel. Multiple terms can be separated
  by one or more pipes
title: food shipping transportation vehicle
- value: aircraft [ENVO:01001488]|car [ENVO:01000605]
- food
- transport
string_serialization: '{text}|{termLabel} [{termID}]'
slot_uri: MIXS:0001138
alias: food_trav_vehic
- Agriculture
- FoodAnimalAndAnimalFeed
- FoodFarmEnvironment
- FoodFoodProductionFacility
- FoodHumanFoods
range: string
multivalued: true