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Term: perturbation (perturbation)

Type of perturbation, e.g. chemical administration, physical disturbance, etc., coupled with perturbation regimen including how many times the perturbation was repeated, how long each perturbation lasted, and the start and end time of the entire perturbation period; can include multiple perturbation types

URI: MIXS:0000754

Applicable Checklists and Extensions

NOTE: does not include Combinations (of checklists and extensions) that use perturbation.

Name Description Checklist/Extension
FoodHumanFoods A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension
HostAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
Sediment A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
Water A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing wate... Extension
HumanOral A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
PlantAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
Air A collection of terms appropriate when collecting and sequencing samples obta... Extension
HumanVaginal A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
FoodAnimalAndAnimalFeed A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension
Agriculture A collection of terms appropriate when sequencing samples obtained in an agri... Extension
HumanGut A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
MicrobialMatBiofilm A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
SymbiontAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment A collection of generic terms appropriate when collecting and sequencing samp... Extension
FoodFarmEnvironment A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension
WastewaterSludge A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
HumanSkin A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
HumanAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension


  • Range: String
  • Cardinality: *


antibiotic addition;R2/2018-05-11T14:30Z/2018-05-11T19:30Z/P1H30M


  • Expected_value: perturbation type name;perturbation interval and duration

LinkML Source

name: perturbation
    tag: Expected_value
    value: perturbation type name;perturbation interval and duration
description: Type of perturbation, e.g. chemical administration, physical disturbance,
  etc., coupled with perturbation regimen including how many times the perturbation
  was repeated, how long each perturbation lasted, and the start and end time of the
  entire perturbation period; can include multiple perturbation types
title: perturbation
- value: antibiotic addition;R2/2018-05-11T14:30Z/2018-05-11T19:30Z/P1H30M
- perturbation
string_serialization: '{text};{Rn/start_time/end_time/duration}'
slot_uri: MIXS:0000754
alias: perturbation
- Agriculture
- Air
- FoodAnimalAndAnimalFeed
- FoodFarmEnvironment
- FoodHumanFoods
- HostAssociated
- HumanAssociated
- HumanGut
- HumanOral
- HumanSkin
- HumanVaginal
- MicrobialMatBiofilm
- MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironment
- PlantAssociated
- Sediment
- SymbiontAssociated
- WastewaterSludge
- Water
range: string
multivalued: true