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Term: host disease status (host_disease_stat)

List of diseases with which the host has been diagnosed; can include multiple diagnoses. The value of the field depends on host; for humans the terms should be chosen from the DO (Human Disease Ontology) at, non-human host diseases are free text

URI: MIXS:0000031

Applicable Checklists and Extensions

NOTE: does not include Combinations (of checklists and extensions) that use host_disease_stat.

Name Description Checklist/Extension
HostAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
HumanOral A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
PlantAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
HumanVaginal A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
Agriculture A collection of terms appropriate when sequencing samples obtained in an agri... Extension
HumanGut A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
MigsEu Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote Checklist
MigsBa Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea Checklist
Miuvig Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome Checklist
FoodFarmEnvironment A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and performing sequ... Extension
MigsVi Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: virus Checklist
HumanSkin A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension
HumanAssociated A collection of terms appropriate when collecting samples and sequencing samp... Extension


  • Range: String
  • Cardinality: 0..1


  • Expected_value: disease name or Disease Ontology term

LinkML Source

name: host_disease_stat
    tag: Expected_value
    value: disease name or Disease Ontology term
description: List of diseases with which the host has been diagnosed; can include
  multiple diagnoses. The value of the field depends on host; for humans the terms
  should be chosen from the DO (Human Disease Ontology) at,
  non-human host diseases are free text
title: host disease status
- nucleic acid sequence source
- disease
- host
- host.
- status
string_serialization: '{termLabel} [{termID}]|{text}'
slot_uri: MIXS:0000031
alias: host_disease_stat
- MigsBa
- MigsEu
- MigsVi
- Miuvig
- Agriculture
- FoodFarmEnvironment
- HostAssociated
- HumanAssociated
- HumanGut
- HumanOral
- HumanSkin
- HumanVaginal
- PlantAssociated
range: string