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Term: observed biotic relationship (biotic_relationship)

Description of relationship(s) between the subject organism and other organism(s) it is associated with. E.g., parasite on species X; mutualist with species Y. The target organism is the subject of the relationship, and the other organism(s) is the object

URI: MIXS:0000028

Applicable Checklists and Extensions

NOTE: does not include Combinations (of checklists and extensions) that use biotic_relationship.

Name Description Checklist/Extension
MimarksC Minimal Information about a Marker Sequence: specimen Checklist
Agriculture A collection of terms appropriate when sequencing samples obtained in an agri... Extension
MigsEu Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote Checklist
MigsBa Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: cultured bacteria/archaea Checklist
Miuvig Minimum Information About an Uncultivated Virus Genome Checklist
MigsVi Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: virus Checklist



free living

LinkML Source

name: biotic_relationship
description: Description of relationship(s) between the subject organism and other
  organism(s) it is associated with. E.g., parasite on species X; mutualist with species
  Y. The target organism is the subject of the relationship, and the other organism(s)
  is the object
title: observed biotic relationship
- value: free living
- nucleic acid sequence source
- observed
- relationship
slot_uri: MIXS:0000028
alias: biotic_relationship
- MigsBa
- MigsEu
- MigsVi
- MimarksC
- Miuvig
- Agriculture
range: BioticRelationshipEnum